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I didn't know that. But it's a great idea. It's a great leveller for a big team to play on a small pitch, with the fans right on top of them. Let's hope the DFB never go the way of Europe and strangle all the romance out of the cup.

Anyway, we didn't get the banana-skin (away would have been worse)!
Paderborn, impossible?

Now it is! We got Greuther Fürth, and importantly we've got them at home. We could be on for a good cup run this year, Lads!

I have to admit, I was biting my nails when the draw was made. When Cottbus were drawn out and with only Eintacht and two other teams left I was openly cursing. Who wants to go there on a Tuesday night? And with last year's luck, that's what we would have got.

To Adler2, all I can say is – Schalke will stuff Lautern. We can have Mainz in the next round.
The last thing we need is another tricky away game, so everybody would want a home draw. But who would you like to see in the Waldstadion – somebody like Bayern, or a potential banana skin like Paderborn?

My personal wish is for a big game against a club that are embroiled in Europe. Something the players can get worked up for and still have the chance of taking a big scalp.
Whoops! Köln's Amateurs had Wolfsburg.

Yesterday's was an important result for us. Despite the fact the Pröll had to make some vital saves and it got a bit ragged towards the end, I think we deserved the win. Playing into the wind made crosses and shots a bit of a lottery in the first half, but we still controlled the game. In the second half it opened up a bit more, but we were still creating the better chances. Erfurt hadn't much to offer until the last ten minutes when Funkel's pressing game took it's toll in the heat. Once the weather cools down we should be controlling games for the full 90 minutes. All in all, another good performance which should set the players up nicely for Köln.

BTW, congratulations to the players for climbing over the building site to come over to the supporters after the game.
Let's get over tomorrow first. Erfurt away will not be easy. But a win there would set things up nicely for Monday week. Also let's hope that Wolfsburg thrash Köln on Sunday and leave their confidence in tatters!
We definitely look promising. Funkel seems to be pushing all the right buttons. While we looked a bit shaky at times against Karlsruhe, once we got into our stride there was only one team in it, IMHO.
I could not sense any information from your posting

That's because there wasn't any. It was a request for information/opinions, hence the question marks.

As regards badmouthing the new coach – where? I was merely suggesting that, as we have lost at least four automatic choices from last season already, Funkel will have a tough job on his hands. I wish him all the best, but I'd still like to hear other people's opinions. It's what forums are all about.
Fucked or Funky???

The one year contract is interesting. (At least it's not three, as with the last idiot.) To my mind, it shows that either (a) Bruchhagen thinks he's a stop-gap to keep us going until we find somebody good, or (b) Funkel thinks that he will have done enough by Christmas to get a better contract before somebody else "taps" him; or (c) a combination of both.

I have friends who hold him in high regard. I have friends who think he's useless.

My opinion is that he can't be worse than Reimann, but that he won't have half the squad the fat cunt had. But then the golfer from Hamburg rarely played them all together.

A bit of a struggle next year lads?
The Fanabteilung
will probably be starting an english language news service for overseas supporters. Late August-early September might be a good time to drop by.
Hi Canuck,
If you can't get enough Canadians to form a Fan Club you can always join the  EF Fanabteilung (Fans' Division) as an overseas member. It only costs €2 a month and you'll get all match day programmes sent to you by post, and for whenever you're in Germany they help out with tickets (not a problem next season!) and they run discounted trips to away games, amongst other things.

Their website is www.fanabteilung.de and if the German is too much for you send an email to Jörg Strehler at info@fanabteilung.de – and he'll send you either the details in English or my private email and you can take it from there.

Hope that helps.
Are the Polisi behaving themselves over there these days?
Currently commuting between the southside of Dublin (home of the SRFC and Uncle Arthur) and FfM.
It is easy to get the impression that he wants the team to lose.

In my opinion the SGE is not important to Reimann. Reimann is far more important to Reimann.

Let's just hope that the players respond like they did against FCB. Our chance of staying up is slim but it is still there.

I'd love to see us go 4-4-2 and play Cha up front as a target man. We have nothing to lose now. Cha is big and strong. Bang the ball up to him to knock down for Amanatidis and an incoming Skela. With Lexa marauding down the right wing, at least we will have some fun watching us go down.
Fair play, Momo. Absolute class!

AFAIK there's only one Brit who follows the Eintracht and he supports Chelsea these days!

We could have a forum in Bahasa, one in Thai, one in Irish, one in French, for the Canadians etc. Hey, we're stuck with English as a common language. (You can comfort yourself with the fact that the Brits are a very small minority of English-speaking people these days.)

Anyway, make yourself known to me at the Country Kitchen tomorrow and I'll get you a beer. You deserve one.

Shut the door on your way out Willi!
Should Reimann resign if we lose again on Saturday? Or should we just sack him?

He is banned from the bench because he could not control himself in Dortmund. His tactics are suicidal – e.g. 7-2-1 in Köln when we needed to win to have any chance of survival. Not to mention the Andy Möller affair, the suicidal tactical changes made in the last ten minutes agaunst Lautern and the clear lack of self-confidence the players have.

What does everyone here think?