
a message from Swansea City fans

Boys,have no fear ! I have had a prophetic dream last night (we Celts put much store by such things). I, and my best friend Billy ,were about to put to death some Cardiff City fans when all of a sudden a voice was heard from above saying "spare those miserable swine and tomorrow I will grant victory to the mighty SGE". I asked could He make it 6-0 to which he answered "Welshman thou art a greedy sod but I will fix it for 2-0". So there you are,no worries!
Keep the Faith,2-0 it will be.
Bad day,boys.Interestingly, Crystal Palace (the Eagles) are beating Cardiff 2-0.I'm afraid the big man upstairs got the wrong Eagles
A sad Welshman
We are through to the Knock-out stage with a hell of a lot of luck,no skill and with very little honour. But we are there and this is a dream. The odds of us playing each other are now too incredible to think about. The last 32! You are top of your group we are second in ours - can this really happen? Will I tread the holy terraces of the Waldstadion - will you experience the delights of our Wind Street? Only the gods know but please Odin do your best.
This could happen,my friends, so more than ever Keep ths Faith.
Superb result and well deserved. The SGE season starts today.Tomorrow is now that much more exciting
Good luck, welshman, against Napoli and then...... SGE/Swansea... great!!!
I wish you all the best against Neapel, you'll need it.
Haha, my heart stopped for a second when Swansea was drawn. Both of our teams not with the best of luck, very very tough matches. But the dream is alive! We might see 2 Swansea - SGE games. Best of luck to the swans, let's make it happen  
Hawischer - thanks for you good wishes which are certainly returned to you in your forthcoming trip to the Estremadura Coast. You'll have a great time in a very beautiful and friendly city. A difficult game but I am confident you will be okay. A pity about that arsehole on the loudspeaker but I'm certain the SGE legions will drown him out.
El West - you're right we will need luck -  both on and off the pitch. The reputation of the Napoli fans is not the best but the Jack Army is well known for being able to look after its own   Hopefully there will be no problem.
Jakky,my old friend -  like you my heart was racing when SCFC came up so early in the draw. As you can imagine I was praying for SGE but it was not to be,at least for the time being!!! Napoli is a very tough one but not impossible. At the start of the season I would not have believed our two teams would be two ties away from meeting each other. It is incredible and almost unimaginable
I think I'll have another word with Odin (or perhaps Thor would be better with Napoli as our opponents !)
Things are certainly hotting up this season
Viva SGE and SGE
Keep the Faith my friends
From a very excited Welshman
Hey welshman,

I also wish you all the best. It would be amazing to travel to Swansea and see both our teams face each other in the EuroLeague.

Napoli is a tough opponent, but its not impossible to beat them.

Im tryin to travel to Porto just like Ive been to Bordeaux to see our SGE play but its gonna be hard. The Prices for flights just went up like crazy, I hope its gonna relax a little...  I dont think there will be 12.000 Adler in Porto, but still we wont have problems with filling our block over there. Im pretty sure the game in Frankfurt will be sould out !!!

All the best for your team, theres a little chance of our 2 teams facing each other, lets make it happen !!!  

Keep the faith,
Hello AJ my old buddy.Yep being a fan is an expensive business.If my wife wants to go to Napoli then I suppose we will but that creates a difficult problem for me. I would prefer to come to Frankfurt either in the Europa Cup if both our clubs are successful (obviously my first choice) or come to Frankfurt to see a Bundesliga match.Wherever we go we would use it as a mini holiday and take a few days.Unfortunately,I can,t see us travelling to Europe twice
I would far prefer a visit to your goodselves without any question. I suppose I'll have to see how things develop.
Good to hear from you again and looking forward to that first beer.
Cadwch y Ffyddlondeb (Keep the Faith)
So close... dammit!

But let's keep the faith, we'll get there, we'll get our match!
Hello welshman,

I wish you and the Swans good luck for the two hard games against Napoli with their expierience and international players. But nothing ist impossible! Show them how good Swansea can play, especially at home!!

Maybe we see us in the next round....but it will be a hard way in the next round for both of us teams!!

Greetz to you, the Swans and your wife!  

Goodness me - so close and yet so distant.
Our opponents couldn't be any tougher.
Good luck to you, for we also shall need some.
Just dropping by to say Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda.

Next year is gonna be a glorious one!
Jakky - diolch yn fawr a Nadolig Llawen a Flwyddyn Newydd Dda i tithau hefyd  a phob cefnogwr SGE ac SCFC. Froliche Weihnachten jederman (but not Cardiff or Bayern !)
Der Welschman
Cheers,H you're a good lad ! Of course we've got to do it all over again on Saturday and with half our squad out injured I am calling once again on mighty Odin.
But on a brighter note if we can beat MUFC once then Napoli must be a worried bunch of Italians  
Bring on Napoli and Porto I say and then lets party.
KTF boys KTF
Best of luck today lads.Revenge for the opening game would be sweet.
We,re away in the FA Cup at Birmingham but I'm not going. We have had a nightmare Christmas period taking one point from eighteen with the league table looking very frightening. We have many injuries but to be honest we haven't played well consistently for a long time. On a more positive note my tickets for the Napoli game arrived this week so roll on the 20th February.
Have a good day gentlemen and keep in touch
Congratulations mein Herren (und Dammen).
The mighty SGE get revenge and 3 precious points and SuperSwans win away to go into the last 16 of the FA Cup.Life can be good at times!
Any of you Frankfurters going to Morzine in the French Alps between 1 - 8 March?I'm there on holiday and if any of you SGE boys fancy a drink in the Dixie Bar the first one is on me
Well done for yesterday and keep those flags flying. Oh,lastly please explain the "running gag" vis-a-vis Hertha.
Gentlemen,Laudrup,as you may be aware has had the bullet.The King is dead long live the King (not that I'm a monarchist-God forbid).I am very relieved.As one Jack has posted today having Laudrup as a manager was a bit like being married to a beautiful supermodel,great at first but soon too soon turning ugly!Our football this season has been very very poor.Laudrups training methods have left us with an unfit squad that are very injury prone and extremely boring to watch.On Saturday we play our arch-enemies so please spare a thought for us although I fully appreciate you have troubles of your own (not dissimilar to our own).
All the very best for EB this weekend - a massive game which I fully believe will see SGE with an additional 3 precious points.
Two wins for our clubs will be the signal for party time here in South Wales.
KTF Frankfurt
