
Eintracht supporter from Poland

Hi! I just got the following mail. It was sent to our fan club's e-mail address and I thought that it would be better to publish it here. Maybe somebody in this forum can help Wojciech or might want to contact him...

Dear Sirs,

I would like to start by giving you and your club’s employees, activist, coaches and players my regards from Poland.

My names is Wojciech Piatek. I live in a small village southern Poland.

I became interested in your club three years ago. From that moment I have collected informations about you. However it is very hard to find some informations about you in Poland. Polish football has not got a good standard, nevertheless Polish newspapers do not write much about football in other countries.

Now I look on your team warmly during all games, and I watch it results by the Internet. In my opinion it is very good, and there play many great players.

I would like to ask you to send me your team’s photo and yours players’ photos with their autographs:

-Cezary Tobollik  s.1983/84 , 84/85

-Boguslaw Kwiecin vel Wolfgang April  s.84/85 , 85/86

-Jaroslaw Biernat  s.1987/88  , 88/89

-Janusz Turowski  s.1988/89 , 89/90  , 90/91

-Dariusz Adamczuk  s.1992/93

-Jan Furtok  s.1994/95

I would like to ask you if you have needless and old programmes or tickets, too. I would be gratefull to you for carring out of my request.

It would be a wonderful keepsake for me and incentive to looking on your great team. Maybe, in the future, I will find other keepsake (souveniours). I do not want to ask you about too much, because I understand that you can not carry out all of your fans’ requests.

I believe in your help and every day I will be await your reply. Please, remember about fans in other countries.

In conclusion I wish you a lot of great successes and all the best. I give all employees and club’s fans my best regards.

Yours faithfully, Wojciech Piatek.

Fan from Poland.




Maybe you should reply his mail and say that ebay is a great source for this stuff.

Nevertheless, he can check for information on www.eintracht-archiv.de. Unfortunately, this page is in german of course. But pics say more than words, don't they?
well hello polish fan.
if u read this by yourself, try "suche & biete"
u`ll got more luck over there i think (it`s german 4 "search and got" (bad translation sry) )
i hope you find more
also try linls @ this page maybe their are some *.jpeg`s to download
hope i could help you
ps:it`s graat to see we got international support
