

I know that some fans of the Eintracht are in Australia at the moment. Could one of you please tell me what I need to take account of when I go to Australia this summer? I'm hoping to have a two-month holiday after my diploma in summer.

What I want to do is to have some sort of "adventure vacation", i.e. bush camping, one week in Sydney and/or Melbourne, a jungle trip to Darwin and so on.

I could also imagine working in an opal mine for some time (in exchange for board and lodge).

If you feel like giving me some information on Australia (beyond the facts you get while searching the Web), please let me know.

Best regards,
Hi milkguy, still boozed (= knülle)?
if you are less than 30 years you can get a "working holiday visum" which allows you to stay for one year in australia. you have to ask at the australian embassy.
in australia is an organisation calle wwoof http://wwoofaustralia.com/ ,it means something about work on organic farms, they organise work for backpackers.
good luck and don't forget to take some eintracht-stickers with you, that the aussis knows our fantastic club
remember dave mitchel and peter hobday
Hello DrHammer11,

thanks for the information. Any other hints?

Best regards,
It's my last day in Sydney. I´ll be bach in Frankfurt on 2nd February. So if you have questions about australia send me an e-mail to ma_schaefer@hotmail.com. Maybe I can give you some informations.

Cya daffy
Hi Andy,

schreib' mir mal 'ne Mail an:


Ich denke, die meisten Infos kannst Du auch via Internet rauskriegen. Aber ich werde noch bis ca. Juli 2004 in Melbourne sein. Und wenn ich was konkretes für Dich tun kann, mach ich das gerne. Kenne auch andere Deutsche hier, die jetzt nach dem Studium eine Zeit lang in Australien sind.
Also, bis denne,
Hi Christoph,

danke für Deine Email und Dein Angebot. Ich melde mich später wieder, denn ich muss noch einige Klausuren schreiben (bis 11.02. wirst Du kaum etwas von mir hören).

Nochmals danke & Gruß & gute Nacht,
