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That irish pub is an absolute blast.

My wife and I celebrated an afternoon of our honeymoon there on Arthur Guinness' 200th birthday.  They were doing a number of things for the celebration and during such I was lucky enough to have my name called for a chance to pour as much Guinness as I could for the masses in one minute.  As I approached the tap, I heard a shout from behind me somewhere in the bar...


I replied in kind, the war cry of the premier university in the Great State of Oklahoma, the most surprised person in the establishment.


I'd forgotten in the excitement of the moment I was wearing a ballcap with the University of Oklahoma's interlocking OU on the front.  Here in the shadow of the Hauptbahnhof, seemingly a million miles from home in this beautiful german city, a little taste of home from someone in the crowd.  To a simple man like myself, that was jaw-droppingly amazing.

And it was that moment I fell in love with the city and that little irish pub outside the Hauptbahnhof.  Go give that man some of your money.  The place is amazing.
I personally could give a rip if it was written in crayon on a rock, as long as they keep the information flowing.

Thanks, english language news posters.  This guy appreciates it.