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propain schrieb:
Ihr guckt auch jeden Scheiss? Die Sendung ist wie soviele Sendungen dieser Art einfach nur schlecht.

Was ein ernst in deiner Stimme PROPAIN.......

Wer nicht bescheid weiß, hier die Lösung....

....und die Moral von der Geschicht..........dicke Eier platzen nicht......

brust o.p owned dolly buster
Dominik Eulberg - The minmal 4hours Set
Von mir auch mal .......

Also wenn Dein Rechner noch nicht mal bis zur Tastatur kommt, ist Deine Inastallation wahrscheinlich hin.

Versuch mal Deine "Original"-Windows CD (ich gehe mal davon aus das Du die hast ) ins Laufwerk zu legen und vom CD Laufwerk zu Booten.
Das kannst Du im BIOS einstellen, wovon er zuerst Bootet.

Dann kommst Du wenigstens an Deine alte Installation ran.

Hoffe das Dir das wieter hilft.......

evtl gibt es das schon .....find es trotzdem cool....

sorry..n leichter VISTA abklatsch...iss aber so ...und auch auf der sprache....geht net anders....funzt aber

Hört sich nach einem Festplattenproblem an....probier doch mal im DOS-Modus das Programm SCANDISK aus.....
ugly.......ganz hässlich die verletzung......

Laubbläser owned Staubsauger

"der Himmel" owned Mutter Teresa
singender_adler schrieb:
@downwheel bist du dawn escobar?  

Bin ich nicht.... ......aber Du hast Recht.......  ,-)  

Herzspezialist Prof. Jan Gummert.  owned Herzinfarkt
Back when the shepherds gathered around a raging fire, people gazed at the night sky and wondered about the stars. Mother Earth had told them that Father Heaven had made them, but they never knew why.

Until one day when one brave soul stood up and told the story of why the Father Heaven made the stars. He said, "Father Heaven made the sun and the moon. The sun always had company and never felt lonely. He could always talk to the passing clouds and when the clouds weren't around, he would shine his happiness to the world. This made him smile.

Teh sun would spend hours talking to the mountains and the sea. The sea would ask questions like, "How does it feel to be so high in the sky?" They would answer each others questions and laugh together. Sometimes on a clear day, he would watch the children play on the beach and they would stare up at him and sing songs to him. The sun liked that.

However, the sun would often leave and shine his happiness on other parts of the world. The moon would be left all alone, he would cry because he was so lonely. Father Heaven saw him and asked the sobbing moon, "Why are you crying?"

"I'm so lonely. My best friend, the sun, has to leave and I'm all alone. I have no one to talk to. I have no one to talk to. I have no one to share my thoughts with or my wonderful adventures..."

Father Heaven thought for a minute, and said to the moon, "Let me see what I can create that reminds you of your friend the sun...The sun is so bright, I don't know if I can create anything else like it. There is nothing as bright as the sun!"

Just then he had an idea, though, so he went to the sun and asked him for something that was special for his good friend, the moon.

When Father Heaven returned, be brought a gift from the sun.

He brought out the bag he was carrying, with long gold strands of the suns long flowing hair drifting in the night sky. With his gentle hands he wrapped them together until he formed everlasting light. With his magnificent strength he threw each golden orb into the sky.

They remain there until this day, as they are now known as stars, but the moon knew them as a gift he received from his friend, the sun.

"May these gold lights shine around around you always, and may they remind you of your friend," said the Father Heaven to the moon.

From then on, the moon was not lonely. He had many friends to tell his beautiful stories. Legend has it the stars too have their own stories. That day, and every day since then, the moon smiles when the sun rises.

schimanski owned derrik